Manifest Pages

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Page 1 - Complete?

I'll look at it again in the morning, but I'm feeling pretty good to call page one done.  For the dialogue, I did as I said - short with the wife and pissed about the weather:
Page One - Final Rendering and Text
My handwriting sucks so in turn my lettering skills suck.  So a canned font I must choose.  I didn't want to go with a generic 'comic book' font... I've got a little more CLASS than that (bullshit).  So I went with a font called 'Iskoola Pota.'  I know nothing about the history of this font and for all I know it was developed to write Al Qaeda bomb-making manuals... I like how it looks - that's all.

For dialogue balloons I used a simple black rectangle for date/time/location stamps and classic white ovals without black outline.  Again, I just like how it looks.

I would appreciate any feedback you have.  All the pieces are saved as separate layers so changes can be tried/made with minimal effort.  Thanks for checking it out.


  1. I have one comment: look at the left hand. You have his thumb facing inward (towards the body). It is almost impossible to do that and have the hand at that angle (looks almost 90 degrees to his body). At best he should only be doing a 30 - 45 degree to the body with his thumb pointed in that direction. Other than that I like it! I like your rendering of the window glass in the car and you shading techniques. Are you going to have it colored, too, or stick with B&W?

  2. awesome love it..

  3. @Michael - I'm an old black and white movie guy and love the challenge of black and white illustration. But as with my other stuff, there will be moments where an unexpected splash of color makes a point far better than a grey blob. And the 'covers' will all be full color.

    As this is a 'hobby' project (not to downplay how seriously I'm taking it) I'm doing while raising three kids and working a full-time job (and occasionally doing a few Piggy frames) black and white also saves me the (what I consider) tedious task of choosing colors and tones, shadowed tones and complimentary palettes, etc. Time is of the essence and I want to maintain a good momentum.

    Thanks very much on the anatomy critique (I mean that sincerely). I must be a sight getting out of my car in the morning as this was an interpretation of how I climb out with my bag each day. You're right - I overextended the twist. I'll pay closer attention and it's cool to read that others are too.

